
Word of Warcraft Guild Recruitment

Word of Warcraft Guild Recruitment
Hi all,
Want to master the wonders that World of Warcraft has to offer in a GLBT friendly environment??
We are a raid focused GLBT- friendly Horde guild on Proudmoore. Raid times to accomadate both west and east coast players.
We are actively recruiting to move to 25man content. We have mastered KZ and now have it on farm status, and we are looking for more players of all classes to expand our ranks to get a good consistent 25man group, with the aim to get 2 groups going. We are currently working on Gruul, with our first steps towards The Eye.
While we welcome folk at any level who are interested in the group, we are specifically looking for level 70 active raiders of all classes
If you are interested check out http://www.wowgolds.us/ for our guild charter and to come see our homepage.
Contact Siggibear (search Siggi to find all alts) or Emoisha (GM) for more information
We look forward to hearing from you soon,See you on the other sideSiggi
Okay from all the guild posts starting up, to help keep the forum clean, please post in this topic all other topics will be DELETED.
Include information such as Name, Server, number of members, type of guild, etc.
also do not post worthless crap in this post, it will be deleted.
I wanna make a good raiding guild on mannoroth, i am a 45 now but was hoping to find other 40+ who would make the guild with me......please post a guild name and you character info:lvl,class,race,alternate chars, stuff like that! if you have any friends they can join to! anyone who posts on here and is 40+ will be made an officer. so get out your ideas and make us a guild name and get some members! (also, i would LOVE it if someone could know how to set up a website and ventrilo server 'cause i sure cant!)bye the way i am a 45 human warrior lol please answer this post if you are interested!
Wel my guild's kinda dry in the fun category and I know that a way to fix that up in adding some Onrpgers. If you play on the Firetree server make sure to whisper to "Trishmay" or "Snoe" about joining Immortal Souls. A school friend linked me up with the guild and sofar I've been impressed with what it has to offer. Join it!
okay guys, i have a lowbie guild coming up soon,its on server scilla and just pst in game, or send me mail to "magnet"im a 21 shaman for now, but its lvling fast(got it to 21 in 3 days, and only about 4 hours a day) so its going fairly well.
just contact me... somehow...
My guild is the Warriors of Warcraft... a guild in the realm AlleriaMy chars name is Xillercatch me when you can or just pm me if you wanna join.
guilds site is wowgolds.us

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